
We cannot move forward without understanding how far we have come in a relatively very-short period of time.

         -quote from TIME article
We hope to educate you on current issues and mobilize middle-aged Singaporean shoppers to take actiongiving feedback to the Urban Redevelopment Authority and Singapore Tourism Board, as well as Capitaland Mall, who are responsible of the current, and future malls in Orchard Road.
Through consumers bringing issues to attention of relevant authorities, we believe that YOU can call for change we want.
Our vision -

 Song - Home (Kit Chan)

A truly successful shopping district (not just short-term but long-term considerations) should embody the country's culture; should have a unique 'taste' and 'feel'. Keeping in mind Orchard Road's purpose as a tourist attraction and commercial district, and a common space for ALL, here are...

Solutions -

1) More local brands (a good example is Far East Plaza, where many clothes shops are owned by Singaporeans). With products showcasing our own identity, Orchard Road won't be eroded by over-dominant international brands. 
  • Show shoppers that Singapore brands are worth the spend. With greater brand awareness, tourists will get to know and perhaps buy local products. 
Through recent surveys, Singaporeans have the least loyalty to local brands, due to exposure to international brands, and lack of effective marketing. With local brands made prominent,  shoppers will be more aware of them. (See Source

2) Affordable products/food
  • Average Singaporeans to enjoy high-class shopping experience, less worry about expenditures. This is a common space and its design  (and purpose to gain revenue) sometimes make it exclusive. 
  • Consider ALL stakeholders -  business, locals and tourists ... every shopper
3) More restaurants promoting ethnically colourful local cuisine, leaving tourists with strong memories, and locals with something unique to identify with. 
  • Singapore is a multi-racial and multi-religion country; what better way is there to display our unique culture? 
The experience, uniqueness and meaning count most.
Given Orchard Road's position as a shopping hot-spot, it's impractical (economically) to physically conserve old buildings. Preserve and maintain the mental state - unique Singaporean spirit, culture and history.