Saturday 4 June 2011

Change and Conservation

are interdependent aspects of an urban society continuously progressing. A balance should be struck to ensure sustainability of the popularity and economy of a place. Even in moving forward with the times, we should remember our roots and the unique elements that make our country's Orchard Road stand out from any other shopping district in the world.

CHANGE - can be both positive and negative, 

  • Ongoing process. 
  • Though defined by new/different elements of a place, also defined by history- no change can happen withoutt remembering the past.

CONSERVATION - beyond preserving a facade or architectural structure

  • Retains inherent spirit and original ambiance
  • Requires appreciation and understanding of history.

Having both aspects coexist without compromise is crucial for the sustainability of an urban society. 

Concepts - Identity and Common Space

Common Space
  • Physical or virtual space where everyone, no matter race, religion, social background, can interact, feel accepted 
  • Mutual respect
as a normative concept
  • Many types - cultural, national and URBAN, which will be focused on.

  •  URBAN IDENTITY, both a physical and mental element, can be judged by the following indicators:
    • Difference and similarity (uniqueness) 
    • Evolution (what has changed)
    • Unity and diversity (relation between components - people, activities, architecture)
  • Essential for sustainability 
  • Constitutes: Architecture, culture of people, interactions between physical state and intangible societal aspects [mental, emotional] and people